"Twenty-five years ago, the notion was you could create a general problem-solver software that could solve problems in many different domains. That just turned out to be totally wrong ." Howard Gardner
Hacking the Humanities
“Hacking” means to adapt and make productive use out of a given technology or technological context. In this book it is illustrated an approach to what could be called “digital humanities”, that is the use of hacking in education with instructional technology, rather than completely relying on Technocentric Thinking, which is having the technology drive the whole process when one is working on expressing creatively oneself.
This work celebrates a balance between a humanistic approach to learning by doing and the ever-pervading digital world of our present and future time. Revealed here are pedagogical strategies for enhancing motivation, creativity, and human interaction.
Our investigation yields general principles in communication, storytelling and active citizenship that might help to orientate our educational system towards a more democratic and sustainable world, made of individuals more aware of their own possibilities, values, rights and responsibilities.
The book is available on:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 The Workings of the Mind in a Learning Process2. Preparing the right setting: Creating an Outside-the-box Learning Experience
2.1 Masculine and feminine creativity3. Guided visualization and creative writing:
3.1 Narratives after Visualization4. My life in 5 images
5. The technique of juxtaposition
5.1 Juxtaposition at work6. Telling the same story in different ways
6.1 Students exercises in style7. Narratives for taking action
7.1 Visual communication
7.2 Active citizenship
7.3 Multiple intelligences and effective communication
7.4 Students creations for active citizenship8. Students’ feedback at the end of the experience
9. Conclusions
10. Bibliography
11. Credits
12. About the author