"Twenty-five years ago, the notion was you could create a general problem-solver software that could solve problems in many different domains. That just turned out to be totally wrong ." Howard Gardner
Edutopia is a 3D learning environment designed to dynamically host educational expositions.
It has been created a 3D interactive world for the Center Sa Marchesa - Vita e Lavoro in Miniera, on the theme of Mining Archeology. It's a virtual 3D world, called Nuxis, based on Active Worlds technology.
In this virtual space it is possibile to move around the threedimensionl space, as manikins controlled by the user, observe, interact by means of synchronous communication (chat) with other visitors.
It's in progress the 3D virtuale world for the Archeological Site of Montessu.
Slides on the virtual world Edutopia
Movies that show the world.